Alert / Play Sound / Show Message (Parameters)
When the 'Alert (Play Sound / Show Message)' rule type is used you have three options of the type of alert/message/sound you want to use.
You can select as many or as few options as you want to be played/shown when the rule triggers.
Note: An alert message can be text entered directly into this screen or can be the contents of a Stored Value that you have set elsewhere with the Automation features.
Play Sound File
To add a sound file as your alert click the 'Browse' button to select your required sound file from a folder on your PC.
Log Message & Pop-up Alert
To add a message simple type the message or enter the name of the Stored Value whose contents you want to appear.
If you want the message to be recorded to your activity
log, ensure the box next to the 'log message' is ticked.
If you wish to have the message appear on screen, tick the 'show pop-up alert' box; once it is triggered it will appear on top of your current screen as shown below, to then clear it just click the OK box.
Watch List Alert / Guardian Alert
To show an alert on your
Watch List or
Guardian start by either entering the message directly into this screen or by entering the name of the Stored Value whose contents you want to be displayed; then tick the 'Show Alert' box.
The 'Location' pick list is then used to select where to display the alert, this can be on the watch list against a specific selection or in the header of the market in your watch list or in one of the five available columns in Guardian
The remaining options of how the alerts can be configured are;
Format; allows for messages to use any combination of being; time stamped with the time they were triggered, display the alert text only, or display the selection name it triggered on
Text Colour/Background, Set the background and text colours to wish to use
Tool-tip; can be added and will appear when you hover your mouse cursor over the alert
Automatically scroll watchlist (or Guardian) to show alert; when ticked the market/selection in the Watch List or Guardian which the alert triggered on will appear at the top of the list (useful if you have a lot of markets in the watch list or guardian)
Automatically restore a minimised watchlist (or Guardian): when ticked this will maximize your Watch List or Guardian window if you currently have it minimised to your windows taskbar, this allows you to still be alerted without the need to always have the window in view.
The final three options lets you configure the length of time your alerts will flash for when triggered, if they are to clear after a period of time and if you want any existing alerts cleared if a new one triggers.
Watch List
Once you have configured your alerts before you can use them you'll need to ensure you have them enabled on your
watch list, when an rule triggers it will be displayed to you in this 'Alerts' column.
Similar to above when displaying alerts on the main Guardian window first ensure you have enabled all the 'Alert' column/s you need displaying (there are up to five columns you can add) by selecting them from the custom column chooser in the
Guardian Layout area.