The 'Export all Stored Values' rule type aids the debugging of rules using stored values. It will export the current state of your Stored Values to a csv file and will allow you to see if values changed at the expected point in time. This 'Parameters' area can use be used to configure exactly which Stored Values you wish to export.
Values to Export
Here you can select the Stored Values you wish to export,
there are options to export: All Stored Values, Only Shared Stored Values (with or without history lists), and only non-Shared Stored Values
Each time the rule is run the current values are written to a new line in the CSV file. The values are exported in sections in the order: Event Stored Values, then Market, then each Selection.
For each selection the Stored Values are output as Name, Value pairs and a count of how many pairs are in the section is output after the section type
File Name
Allows you to set the directory the file is to be saved to on your computer.
Filename Options
Here you can apply any adjustments to the saved filename, ie, appending the market name and/or the market ID.
This is handy if you are using the rule on multiple markets for example all the days horse racing markets, and you want to save the data from each market to separate workbooks, using 'No Adjustments' will store all the data to a single workbook
Formatting Options
In the lower half of the window there are also further formatting options for you to specify whether the data is exported to single or separate rows and which time stamp formats you want to use with your exported file.
Limit Export to Specific Stored Value Names
This option can be ticked if storing multiple stored values but you only want to export certain ones that you specify,
Note: When exporting values from a history list, only the latest value written to the list will be exported. If you need to debug the state of Stored Values at different points in time, you should trigger the Export all Stored Values rule multiple times.
NB, If you wish to keep the values aligned in the same column from start to finish of a series of Exports (perhaps for analysis in Excel) then all Stored Values should be initialised with a value before the first Export.