Bet Angel has a log screen that records all the activity performed with Bet Angel during the active session, Logs are especially useful for tracking down events where things may have played out differently to how you expected. The log records the time and type of bet together with any global settings selected in the top settings area. It will also record bets triggered via
Automation or with
There are separate logs for your activity on the main interface (ie, when using the ladder, one-click, dutching), and for individual markets you have running in
Guardian, to access the log page simply click 'Log' tab on your main screen
Main Log
Or select a market in the top window of Guardian then click the 'Log' tab below the bottom window to view the activity from that market, including any bets placed by automation etc.
Guardian Log
Log Paging
At the bottom of the log page you can specify the number of log entry rows you want to have displayed on each page. As your pages begin to fill up you can use the buttons on the left side to navigate forwards and backwards page by page, 5 pages at a time or skip to the first and last pages, or you can simply type the page number you want into the box provided and click the single blue arrow icon to jump straight to that page number.
Log Entries
For example, here is a log entry recording a simple bet made:
04/03/2013 14:58:01: £ 2 Back bet placed on Fling Me at 2.14. Fully matched at 2.14. Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxx
The Reference number at the end is a unique bet identifier provided by Betfair. Note it is not a Bet Angel reference. If you use practice mode the bet references will start at 10000.
Here is a log entry recording a requested LAY bet:
04/03/2013 14:58:28: £ 2.15 Lay bet placed on Arfur Didit at 8.2. Entirely unmatched when it initially reached the market. Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Unmatched Bets
This phrase - ' Entirely unmatched when it initially reached the market.' means just that. The price asked for (8.2) was not available for LAY bets when this was placed. It is important to note that the log only records the status of the bet when initially submitted to the market. It will not update itself with any changes such as the above bet subsequently being matched.
Here is a bet placed complete with offsetting and other global settings applied:
04/03/2013 14:58:34: £ 2 Back bet placed on Fling Me at 2.14. Fully matched at 2.14. Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxx ( Fill or kill bet with 0.5 seconds delay. Offsetting by 3 ticks with greening. Stop at 7 ticks. Place stop at 10 ticks. )
Clear/Export Log
If you 'Right-Click' anywhere on the log page you will see a pop-up menu appear giving you the options to 'Clear the Log', 'Copy the Current Page to the Clipboard' or 'Copy the Whole Log to the Clipboard'
Saved Log Files
The log will clear each time you exit Bet Angel however, a copy of the log from your activity on the main screens is saved to your computer hard disk just in case.
Bet Angel will record the last six sessions worth of log entries and store them here:
C:\Users\{YOUR WINDOWS LOG IN NAME}\AppData\Roaming\Bet Angel\Bet Angel Professional\Log
Note that the oldest entry is automatically deleted each time you exit Bet Angel.
You can also access stored log files directly from the settings editor by choosing a date and clicking on 'View'