In conjunction with Tennis Trader you can use watch lists as your own live scoreboard with server information.
To display the Tennis scores on your watch list click 'Display' and select Tennis Scores and Tennis Scores (Previous Sets) from the list
Then load the markets of interest as usual and you will have the live scores and server information literally at your fingertips and when you want to get involved just click the Bet Angel logo to launch that match on the one-click screen or the ladder icon to open the market on your ladder screen.
You can even see the Betfair charts without the need to open the market simply by clicking on the players name
If you also have 'Alerts' selected from the display options you can be notified at critical moments in the match which you have instructed Bet Angel to notify you about, i.e. the underdog has a service game to win a set, or the pre-match fav has lost the 1st set.
You can then simply click on the Bet Angel or ladder icon to open that market on your trading screen and your ready to take action.
You can see in the image below that an alert has gone off notifying you that something of interest has just happened, and you should known instantly by the name given to the alert just what that is.
NOTE We are reliant on Betfair supplying the live scores from a tennis tournament and have no control over which they decide to include. Just remember this when looking to use a watch list for live tennis scores.