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Text Comparison

The Text Comparison condition is one of the most powerful of all the conditions and can be used in a number of ways to target your rule/s against very specific markets or even selections.
With this condition you can compare the text in the Selection Name, Market Name or Stored Value name against a list of your entered text.
First select the criteria you want to compare against from one of the three options shown in the image below.
When comparing your text there is then a choice of the following criteria for you to test against.
**The 'Market Name' is the Betfair market title as shown in the top left corner of the one-click screen or under the 'Markets' column of Guardian.
For example you may have a rule that you only want to trigger on flat races and not a jumps race (National Hunt). In the image below the condition is configured to allow the rule to trigger if the market title does not contain the words 'Chs' and 'Hrd' (which are the terms Betfair use in the market titles for UK jumps races ie, Chase and Hurdle).
Each text item needs to be put on individual lines as shown in the image above
In the next example the condition is looking for a Stored Value named 'Jockey', and will only trigger on the favourite if it's being ridden by one of the Jockeys who's names appear in the list.
When this condition is used in a Group it is possible to construct even more complex AND/OR/NOR text matching conditions.