Store Value from a Range of Values
When using stored values you might find yourself needing to look up or calculate a new stored value from an existing set or range of stored values, this option basically allows you to do that without the need for dozens of individual calculations. There are several calculation options available for you to use:
Sum of a set of values
Maximum of a set of values
The 2nd Highest set of values
The 3rd Highest set of value
Minimum of a set of values
The 2nd Lowest set of values
The 3rd Lowest set of values
Average of a set of values
The 'set of values' you can look up and use include
a) named Stored Values : different names but all on the same selection
b) range of values in a History List : time based range from a history list sampling the data at a defined rate
c) named Stored Value (across all selections) : builds the set by looking for the same named value stored against each selection in the market.
d) value from a History List (across all selections) : builds the set by looking for a value at a specific point in time in a history list stored against each selection in the market.
Depending on what calculation you wish to make and which range of values you are looking up there are a number of sub-options which will appear, below are a few examples showing those options.
Storing a Value from a Range
In the first Image below when the rule triggers it will store a new value named 'totalbook' for the market rounded up to a whole number, it will do this by adding up the existing stored values named 'bookpercentage' for every selection.
In the next image when the rule triggers it will store a new value named 'highest' for the selection in Betfair row 1, by looking up the maximum of the store values named '10entry', '5entry and 'postentry'.
In the final image when the rule triggers it will look up all the values held in
History list 1 over the last 5 minutes (300secs) and calculate the average value and store this as a new stored value (shared ) named 'averageodds'