Ladder Settings Area
8) Automation - added the concept of Historical Stored Values. History Lists (1 to 10) can be used to store values over time.
The value can later be extracted a defined number of seconds or minutes ago for use elsewhere.
On the Stored Values tab, use the actions 'Store a value in a history list' and 'Clear the current value in a history list' to modify the contents of a history list
e.g. For display in an Advanced Chart, or on the one-click screen (custom column), or on the ladder (Additional Information or Marker features)
You can also use the Stored Value condition to test a value against one held in the history.
11) Chart price histories are now cached to disk so that Bet Angel uses less memory and can display advanced charts history spanning two days (when using longer time intervals) - assuming Guardian has been refresh the market for those two days
(the feature also allows the Historical Stored Values to span the same timeframe as the charts)
14) Automation - New Rule Type to 'Export All Stored Values' with options to export: only Shared SVs / only non-Shared / with or without the latest value in each History List etc. Exported as a CSV file with each export placed on a new row in the file. Output order is in sections: Event SVs, then Market, then each Selection. For each section the SV are output as Name,Value pairs and the count of how many pairs are in the section is output after the section type. In each section, the SVs are output in alphabetical order of their name. Note: If it is required to keep the values aligned in the same column from start to finish of a series of Exports, then all SVs should be initialised with a value before the first Export.
15) Advanced Chart Settings - new buttons added to import/export a chart setting from/to a file.
16) Added the concept of paging to the Log pages on the Bet Angel main screen and to Guardian. The gives a performance improvement when writing a lot of information to the log (e.g. when logging during Automation)
17) New combo added to Charts page of Bet Angel Settings to control the usage of disk paging. Defaults to 'Full' which will page all types of chart histories to the disk to coserve as much memory as possible. 'Partial' will store data for candle charts, but not tick charts. When using 'None', if memory runs low the amount of price history stored in memory will be truncated (the same as previous versions of Bet Angel), but that change is now not permanent for the session and will be reset if the user chooses Partial/Full paging again.
18) Automation Editor - bug fix price parameter when using close trade rules. Current Best price now chosen by default
new rule to 'Cancel Unmatched Bets On All Other Selections ( Price Dependent )'. Note: on the parameters page, best price, best reverse price etc relates to the chosen selection of the rule and not the 'other' selection being cancelled. I would assume the rule will mostly be used with a fixed price, such as 'cancel all other unmatched Back bets >= 1.01'
(forum request) new Staking option 'By liability using Stored Value Stake', where the normal By Liabilty calculation is used, but the stake it is based upon is held in an SV