The toolbar of the one-click screen allows you to quickly modify the layout and behaviour of the one-click trading grid
The first picklist selects the layout profile to be used in the trading grid. The second picklist selects the custom column profile to be applied to any custom columns visible in the grid.
Note: Toggle buttons will have a red cross drawn through them when they are in an 'off' state.
Explanation of each toolbar item:
Shows or hides the column headings. Hiding the headings will allow more market selections to be shown in the trading grid.
Toggles on and off the use of Global Settings when placing a bet from this grid
Toggles One-click betting on and off. When 'on', clicking on a back or lay price button in the trading grid will place a bet. When 'off', clicking on a back or lay price button will copy its price to the 'Manual Odds' column. Typical usage: Leave this 'on' for the One-click screen and 'off' for the Manual Betting screen.
Displays the column chooser. The column chooser allows you to add of remove columns to the trading grid.
Displays the Custom Columns editor to help define one of the twenty customisable columns that can be added to the trading grid.
Saves the current layout of the trading grid.
Saves the current layout of the trading grid as a new named profile.