If you have not used the goals area, then when you use the forecast time area you are merely predicting what will happen to the odds if the score remains 0-0. To simulate what would happen if a goal is scored, use the ‘goal times’ area. If you want to simulate a goal that has been scored, simply enter the time of the goal in this area by typing in the boxes.
If you right click in this area you can also use a slider to quickly set the goal time. If it is an away goal simply click the Away goal tick box.
In this example we have a home goal at 38 minutes. If we move the forecast time slider it will now reflect a score of 0-0 to 38 minutes and 1-0 from 38 minutes onwards. You will immediately see the affect that a goal has on the odds and how the odds move over time before and after the goal. A better way to view this is not through numbers bet visually.