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In this area you can customize the general settings and display of your ladder screen
The toolbar on each ladder screen contains a pick list of saved Ladder Settings profiles to allow you to easily switch from one ladder design to another.
Bet Angel is supplied with eight example designs, with the ladder settings editor allowing you to create your own named designs which will be added to the pick list.
This means you can have multiple ladder layout designs, ie, you could could have one ladder screen configured for in-play tennis running alongside another that is setup for horse racing and another set up for football etc.
You can even display different layouts at the same time by spawning markets in to a new ladder window
Ladder profiles can also be chosen via keyboard shortcuts so it’s very quick and easy to switch back and forth between different displays.
The number of ladders chosen in the above settings is displayed evenly over the number of rows. For example, if you choose 8 ladders and two rows you will see two rows of four ladders. If you choose 9 ladders and three rows you will see 3 rows of 3 ladders. If there are less runners than ladders chosen the distribution will automatically adjust.

Staking Area Options

There are four ways to display the ladder staking area. Choose whichever suits you. Compressed settings are more suited to layouts with lots of ladders as display real-estate is at a premium.
Compressed 1
Compressed 2

Changing Selections on a Ladder

When changing the selection displayed on a Ladder there are options as to how the ladder screen should behave.  The default is for there to be no linkage between ladders, but you can also choose to swap selections with another ladder, i.e. by using the 'swap selections' option if you change the selection of the 2nd ladder to show the selection currently shown on the 5th ladder, then the two selections will swap places, so that the 5th ladder will now show the one the 2nd ladder was previously displaying. This prevents duplication so that no two ladders show the same selection from the market.


Other information is available via the ladder also such as:
By default these are set to the following but can be configured by the user to any colour of their choice
Green – The price just moved up, Drifted (I.e. 6.00 to 6.20)
Yellow – The last traded price was the same
Red – The price just moved down, Came in (I.e. 6.00 to 5.90)
If you see no price movement then there is no current activity on this market. If prices are moving without any colours appearing then check you are in an API connection mode and if you are then it is likely that you are seeing orders pulled from the market and that is making prices move rather than bets being matched.
This ‘Highlight change of price increment’ option will show where the tick size or difference between one price and the next on the exchange changes. For example the increment is 0.01 at 1.01 to 1.02. This increases to 0.02 from 2.00 to 2.02. And other increments occur as the price increases.

Volume Traded Amount

This option allows you to choose how you want the traded volume displaying at each price, this can be as a monetary amount, the percentage of a selections volume or percentage of the total market volume.
In the images below you are seeing the same ladder, the one on the left is displaying the traded volume as an amount, the one on the right is displaying the traded volume as a percentage.

Reordering Selections

This option allows you to configure how the selections on the ladder screen are ordered when you click the icon on the ladder trading screen, by default the selections are sorted by the order they appear on Betfair (Known as the Betfair row index), but you can sort selections by each of the following ways shown in the image below

Mouse Cursor Mode for Bet Placement

This option lets you choose whether your mouse needs to be pressed and released over the same cell to place the bet, or if it can allow the mouse cursor to be moved up/down to another price cell in the same column (while the button is still depressed) with the bet not being submitted until the button is released

Ladder Centring

Using these options you can configure the ladders to 'Automatically Centre' at specified intervals, the centre point can be defined by the 'back price', 'lay price' or the 'last traded price'.
The default option is to 'Never' auto-centre but you can choose to auto-centre when a market is in-play only, pre-play only or both.
When any auto-centre option is chosen another pick list will appear where you can define when an auto-centre should occur. This can be when a back/lay/last traded price goes out of view, or at a preset times ranging from every update to 10 second intervals.
You may also want to adjust the centre point up or down by a number of ticks, this can be useful if you have charts at the top or bottom of your screen and offset the centre point. Adjusting the centre point will apply when auto-centring and manually centring using your 'Enter' key or shortcut key
NB, A ladder will NOT auto-centre while your mouse cursor is hovering over it, this is to prevent unwanted bets being placed at the wrong price. i.e. without this protection a ladder could auto-centre just as you click the mouse resulting in the bet being placed at the wrong price, and if was a lay bet being placed this could lead to potentially large liability.

Back, Lay Column Back Ground Options

Using these options you can apply the price colour to 'None of the Cells', 'Every Cell', 'Cells from the Best Three Prices Onwards' or 'Every Cell with Money Available'.
Shade/highlighting can be used on the 'Best Three Prices' and 'All Cells with Money Waiting'.
In the image below I have configured it to apply a price colour to every cell then shade all cells with money waiting to be matched, you can then see the effect that has on the ladder screen below that.