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Close Trade Profit

This condition allows the automation rule's trigger to be filtered by the predicted amount of profit (or loss) that would be realised by closing all trades on a selection at the current market price.  The comparison can be applied with or without greening. It can also reference a Stored Value and use this to test the predicted amount of profit (or loss) against.
Below are a few examples of how you could use this condition
In the first example, the rule would be allowed to trigger if the close trade profit (without greening) was exactly £10
In this next image the rule would be allowed to trigger if the predicted greened profit on the selection was at least £2
The condition can also be used to limit losses. In this next image, the condition could be applied to a 'Close Trade On Selection' rule to trigger if the predicted greened profit on the selection was less than -£1.00.  i.e. A negative profit value is a loss.
If your profit is less than a negative number then you testing the size of the loss. All the time your profit on the selection was positive or the loss was smaller than a £1 loss, then the condition would test false and the rule would not trigger, but as soon as the loss was worse than £1 it would activate. (-£1.10 being less than -£1.00 from a mathematical point of view)
A good way to remember it is to visualize it as a ladder with greater being higher and less as lower,
so if you wanted to set a rule to trigger if a loss is worse than -£1 you would use 'Less' than -£1 (less being any figure lower than -£1)
Rather than entering a value at the time of creating the rule you have the option to use a 'Stored Value' so you might have another rule either in this file or in another (even running on a another market from the same event) that will trigger at some point and store a value of something. Once that value has been stored you can then test the current predicted profit or loss against that value.
In this example the condition will only be allowed to trigger if the current predicted profit with greening for this selection is less than or equal to a existing stored value named 'mystoredvalue'